Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Still No BFP

Still no progress with trying to conceive.

Ian's had his SA, the results aren't back yet. I've had two lots of blood tests so far with more to come. One lot was just to check for deficiencies etc, the second lot were to see if I've ovulated and to check hormone levels.

Still another 2ish weeks until I see the specialist again, although his office called on Tuesday to say that I have no rubella immunity, so I need to be vaccinated again, then wait another 4 weeks to continue TTC, which is odd, last time I had the injection (Isla was 3 days old) I was told not to conceive for 3 months, so I may have to find some more info or just err on the caution and wait the 3 months.

Still have 2 more ultrasounds to go, just waiting for AF to show up before I can be booked in for those.

It's a bit overwhelming. We started actively TTC some 15 months ago and each month gets harder and harder. At times it feels like the whole world is pregnant (which I know isn't the case) and everyone is so keen to offer their advice.

The worst one is "Stop thinking about it and it will happen" it makes me mad. It's also shitting me to hear people's stories changing, "Oh it took us X amount of months to conceive XYZ" when I know that it didn't...I guess for some it's a competition, but it's one I'd like to no longer be a part of.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Saw the Ob again today, all my blood tests came back normal - all hormone levels are fine, kidneys and liver doing what they should be. He said not to have the Rubella booster because I'm obviously one of those people that it has no effect on. My levels are down to 23, which is lower than when I was pregnant with Isla, they were 27 then (weird considering I've had a booster since!).

Ian's sperm count was through the roof and all normal little swimmers which is reassuring, he was stressing about it a little. So, the possibilities are:

a) I'm not ovulating (which the dr has partially dismissed - his theory is that erratic cycles indicate that I am ovulating, just not at a particular time) and will probably have to start on fertility drugs (Clomid) to make me ovulate.

b) There's a blockage in the fallopian tubes - need a TPA to see whether that's the case (will have to be next cycle though as I didn't want to have this procedure then have my tonsils out)

c) The lesion on my right ovary is causing the infertility - they still don't quite know what it is, another ultrasound should be enough to find out though..


d) unexplained infertility.


Sunday, October 7, 2007

The quest for a sibling

Well, this is where we're up to in our quest for a little brother or sister for Isla.

I had an ultrasound & bloodwork done, and all have come back normal - although there is a 2cm lesion in one of my ovaries, but it's uncertain what it is - we'll be repeating the ultrasound next cycle. PCOS ruled out which is good news :)

So, I see a specialist tomorrow, will probably have another ultrasound, but it will be interesting to see where we go from here.